I am beyond honored to be able to share with you part of Kelley’s amazing story. The full story will be featured in the magazine Denim and Grace and featured on the national website Beauty Revived. Kelley was chosen as one of the “50 Most Beautiful Mothers” in the USA. She was nominated by her sweet sister, Laney, and this is what her nomination said, “Kelley always wanted children and wasn’t able to have Kelton until later in life. She had two heart attacks while she was pregnant the first at 12 weeks and the second at 20 weeks. There were times we weren’t sure if we would lose both of them. She has always wanted children and was willing to risk losing her own life to bring Kelton into this world and in my mind there is no love greater or bond stronger than the one they share.”
You see, I was one of the nurses that took care of Kelley when she came in the first time having her heart attack. When you work in the ER and are used to rolling with whatever comes through that door it takes a lot to ruffle your feathers, BUT, when one of your own co-workers comes rolling through that door pregnant and complaining of chest pain….It’s a whole different ball game. I immediately started saying prayers for her safety and the health of that sweet baby growing inside her and I will never ever forget Kelley’s face when the PA told her that she was being shipped out because she was having a heart attack.
Here’s Kelley’s first hand account of some of that day……”On April 24th I worked a night shift & noticed that I felt short of breath while walking, but didn’t think anything of it. I was off that Monday & Tuesday & worked outside some. Tuesday night I was crying in pain, I could not lay down on the bed. I had severe pain between my shoulder blades, I assumed I had pulled a muscle while working in the yard. ON Wednesday April 27th I went back to work & went to see my PCP. He suggested we run some blood test. The tests showed that I was having a heart attack. I was in shock, this could not be happening to me. What about the baby? I was only 12 weeks. I was sent to Greenville.”
Kelton was delivered at 9:30 10/26/2011, a beautiful healthy 5lb 6 oz and 17 1/2″ long . She was perfect and didn’t need NICU ….she went straight to regular nursery.