Meet Shawn & Desiree Shawn and Desiree exchanged their beautiful covenant vows in front of their loving family and closest friends. For a November day, it was uncharacteristically warm, beautifully sun drenched and absolutely glorious in every single way. It was perfect. The Cotton Gin Inn in Edenton, NC provided the perfect backdrop to host […]
Meet Marla. She looks like she walked right off of the cover of a magazine and talks with a sweetness so rich it could only come from the love of Jesus. We literally froze during her February Jockey’s Ridge Bridal Session but it was SO worth it! I knew that her March wedding was going […]
Meet Kaleigh. c/o 2019. I met Kaleigh’s mama years ago while working as a nurse at the hospital and I have always thought she was pretty spectacular! Crystal always told me when the time came for Kaleigh to graduate high school that I’d be the one taking her senior portraits. Flash forward to now and […]