Meet Hannah. c/o 2016. Hannah is absolutely stunning. When you first meet her, she’s a little quiet but that quickly changes into huge smiles and nonstop talking 🙂 I just love that about her. She has huge goals and has been involved in some pretty stellar projects over her junior and senior year of school. […]
Last year, I came to the hard realization that I wasn’t present in hardly any photos with my kids. It broke my heart, made me cry, made me mad and then lit a fire under my behind to take action. Here I was, this professional photographer, capturing these perfect moments for complete strangers and not […]
Meet Taylor. c/o 2016. She is part of the 2016 KMP Senior Model Crew and it’s been such a gift to get to know this sweet young woman and her family. We ventured down my favorite downtown streets in Hertford, NC with her mom and little sis in tow. You learn a lot about a […]
Meet Bailey. c/o 2016. I am so proud to have this young woman as part of my 2016 KMP Senior Model Crew. From the very beginning, she stood out. She has this old soul feel about her. She cares deeply for the people around her and makes a point to reach out and brighten the […]
Being a part of the KMP Senior Model Crew isn’t just about “pretty pictures” even though it’s a major perk… It’s about empowering young women….building amazing bonds and friendships and having one heck of a time doing it!! Thank you SO much for your interest in being a part of the 2017 KMP Senior Model […]