The Long family consists of Steven, Marie, Wren and Luke (the beagle). They are good people. The kind of people you just want to sit on the porch and drink sweet tea with. We met up in Littleton, NC for a early morning family session. Sweet baby Wren is 5 months old and we scheduled […]


Long Family–Littleton, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer


Melissa and Jerry’s love story gives “The Notebook” written by Nicholas Sparks a run for his money. You see…..Before they even knew each other….They lived a couple houses away from each other and would go to a certain spot to pray and had no clue that each other’s prayer spot was one in the same. […]


Melissa & Jerry–Hertford, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer


Meet Erica and Will. These two beautiful people are expecting their first baby (A GIRL) at the end of August. I’m totally blessed to be able to call them family and I can’t wait to be an aunt for the first time to baby Kinsley! (Isn’t that just the sweetest name?!) I love photographing these […]


Myrick’s Beach Maternity Session–Outer Banks, NC– Northeastern NC Photographer


Let me just say that I truly LOVE all of my Currituck Juniors and Seniors! Ya’ll have been SO good to me and thank you SO much for passing my name along to all your friends and family! Shae contacted me about doing a before Prom session down on the Outer Banks and I knew […]


Shae and Jared Prom–OBX– Northeastern NC Photographer


About every couple of months, I do a session that is completely for me. I pick the model, location, clothes and create the vision that’s been bouncing around in my head. For a while now, I’ve wanted to do a shoot that showcased the connection between a girl and her horse. I knew I wanted […]


Lindsey and Jessie, Hertford, NC, Northeastern NC Photographer

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