Meet Morgan. She is an exceptional young woman. She contacted me about doing her senior portraits and mentioned that she had graduated early (in March). Did I mention that she’s just shy of 16 years old? Yes, You can pick your jaw up off the floor anytime. It’s an awesome accomplishment to graduate high school early even by a couple of months….but do to it at such a young age is just amazing. So not only is she beautiful, she is smart, mature and going after her dreams of becoming a nurse. I was absolutely honored to take her pictures. There is no doubt that in my mind that Morgan will accomplish great things and I can’t wait to see where her journey takes her! Enjoy some of my favorites from her session…..


To schedule your session, Click the “Contact” button up above and shoot me a email! I’d love to hear from you and get you in front of my camera! xoxo…


Morgan’s Senior Session–Hertford, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer




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