I’m going to be real with you.

 I’ve been working on a personal project of documenting my life…the messy chaos… AND getting IN the picture too.

When I looked back at the past year, I only had a handful of images that I was present in. It broke my heart.

I don’t want this to happen to you.

So I’m on a mission.

To document REAL.

I know what you’re thinking….I can almost hear you…

You may think that you’re house isn’t pretty enough OR that it isn’t clean enough.

You may hold off because you want to lose another 30 pounds OR you want to get your hair cut.

You may say “I’ll just take a selfie with my kids on my cell phone”.

But I’m here to tell you…..

Your kids and even YOU will not give a hoot if your house is dirty or your hair isn’t dyed.

You deserve to be present in the pictures. Your kids need YOU to be present in them too.

These little moments….You can’t get them back. 

These little moments….when you are standing in the middle of your kitchen and EVERY single pot and pan you own has been pulled out by a little boy….and he looks up at you and gives you the biggest smile of accomplishment. You melt. Right then and there, you melt. You sit down in the midst of chaos and play drums. I want you to have that moment.

These little moments…. when you are elbow deep in sudsy water washing dishes and your sweet little 2 year old pulls a chair up right beside you and wants to help. Side by side…..You wash dishes together. Playing in the bubbles…Getting soaking wet and not caring. I want you to have that moment.

These little moments… when you and your sweet babies are snuggling together and reading their favorite book right before nap time. That sweet and oh so fleeting moment when they look up at you and watch your mouth as you read. I want you to have that moment.

Give me 30 minutes of your day. 

and…I will document your moments my way. 

Real. Soulful and full of Emotion. 


To schedule your session, click the “Contact” button up top and shoot me an email! I’d love to hear from you and get you in front of my camera! 



“Seizing YOUR Moments”–Real Life Sessions–Documented in Black and White–Lifestyle–Elizabeth City, NC–Eastern NC Family Photographer




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