So I’m fixing to let you in on a HUGE secret. One that will save you a TON of money when trying to dress to impress and sticking to a budget. This website will CHANGE your life.  Whether you are a High School Senior and are needing a gorgeous one of a kind PROM dress…. […]


Secrets of A Broke Fashionista–How to look like a MILLION bucks for Prom, Formals & Weddings and not spend it–Katie Myrick Photography- Nationally Published & Featured Senior Photographer-NC & OBX Senior & Wedding Photographer


Being a part of the KMP Senior Model Crew isn’t just about “pretty pictures” even though it’s a major perk… It’s about empowering young women….building amazing bonds and friendships and having one heck of a time doing it!!  Thank you SO much for your interest in being a part of the 2017 KMP Senior Model […]


2017 KMP Senior Model Crew APPLICATION & INFO– Nationally Published & Award Winning NC Senior Photographer- Katie Myrick Photography- NC & OBX Photographer


Meet Olivia. C/O 2016. Olivia is part of my 2016 KMP Senior Model Crew and for good reason. This girl exudes kindness and beauty right down to her core. She crinkles her nose with she’s truly tickled over things and has the most contagious laugh. I’ve been blessed to watch her grow into a brilliant […]


Olivia’s Downtown Edenton, NC Senior Portraits-NC Senior Photographer- Northeastern NC & OBX Photographer-Katie Myrick Photography


Meet Jeremy & Brittany.  They have a love story that started in the most unlikely place. A hospital. Brought together by Brittany’s late grandmother in a way that still to this day brings chills to my bones just thinking about it. To read more on their story, check out their engagement session featured here. Jeremy and […]


Proctor Wedding- Rocky Mount, NC-Country Club Wedding-North Carolina & OBX Wedding Photographer-Katie Myrick Photography


Meet Elizabeth. And her beloved horse, Heritage. These two are the perfect pair, totally in tuned to one another and the best of friends. So it was only fitting that Elizabeth based her senior portraits around her love of this big ole sweet giant. We spent the afternoon at the stables on an overcast August […]


NC Senior Portraits featuring beloved Horse- Northeastern NC Senior Photographer-OBX Photographer-NC Equine Photography- Katie Myrick Photography

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