Meet Summer and Brent. The first time I met Summer, She had on this killer outfit and jewelry (totally my style) and I couldn’t get over her beautiful tattoo on her arm (You’ll see that in the pictures below). She rocks to the beat of her own drum, is an incredible mama to three little […]


Summer and Brent–OBX–Northeastern NC Photographer


Meet the Dail’s and their new baby, Lindley. Lori’s husband called me the day of our scheduled maternity session to let me know that Lori had been admitted to the hospital and would possibly be having her baby that day. Baby Lindley decided to come the day after that and after being closely observed was […]


Dail Family Lifestyle Newborn Session–Windsor, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer


Sometimes it’s just pure fate when you’re life crosses paths with others….and this is just one example of a time like that. I had just finished up photographing Shae and Jared’s before Prom session and was leaving our location when I saw two people leaning over a gentleman who was sitting on the ground. As I […]


Gins Family–OBX–Northeastern NC Photographer


The Long family consists of Steven, Marie, Wren and Luke (the beagle). They are good people. The kind of people you just want to sit on the porch and drink sweet tea with. We met up in Littleton, NC for a early morning family session. Sweet baby Wren is 5 months old and we scheduled […]


Long Family–Littleton, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer


Melissa and Jerry’s love story gives “The Notebook” written by Nicholas Sparks a run for his money. You see…..Before they even knew each other….They lived a couple houses away from each other and would go to a certain spot to pray and had no clue that each other’s prayer spot was one in the same. […]


Melissa & Jerry–Hertford, NC–Northeastern NC Photographer

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