My dear beloved 2016 KMP Senior Model Crew, 

Over the past year, I’ve watched each one of you grow into brilliant young women. Each of you are totally different and unique as individuals but as whole…goodness gracious…you compliment each other beautifully and I’m so thankful for the friendships you’ve made amongst each other. During this time, your group has experienced huge triumphs, traumatic loss, extraordinary accomplishments and laugh till you cry moments and it’s been an absolute honor to be there with you guys every step of the way. This group goes way beyond being “just models” and “taking pictures”…. it’s a sisterhood. And you guys have made me so incredibly proud.

Bailey, Olivia, Katie Jo, Hannah, Rachel, Taylor, Tarlie and Madison were from different towns, different backgrounds and most attended different schools. Some separated by 3 hours on the road and some as close as 15 minutes. Playing against each other on the courts and hugging and high fiving after the games. Running into each other at the State Fair and taking selfies. Endless text messages, comments and tags. These girls are now the best of friends.

Even though you are all going to different colleges in different cities….My prayer is that you always find comfort in knowing….that we’ve (your parents, your KMP girls, your hair and makeup team and your photographer) all got your back. 

You girls are my heart. I love you dearly and I’m blessed to be a continued part of your life. When I count my blessings…you girls are in there twice. xoxo….Katie 



I pray that you……. 

Never forget where you come from. Even though you may be biting at the bit to get the heck out of here right this very second….There will come a time when all you want to do is come back home, hug your mama and visit the field you played all those years of ball on. So in your last month before you leave for college….drive down your favorite streets, put a pick up game together with friends, stick your feet in the ocean and take as many pictures as you can. And when someone from college asks you where you’re from….affectionately tell  them with pride just how freakin’ amazing your hometown is. 

I pray that you…..

Never forget how important it is to be yourself. Change is okay and inevitable but as your growing and changing….be sure to stay true to who you are. Because. You. Are. Incredible. And the future grown up you…. is going to be even cooler. Yep….that’s the truth. 

I pray that you……

Never ignore your gut instinct. Those goosebumps moments, chill in the back of your neck moments, make your stomach flip flop moments. They are there for a reason. Whether it be a good reason or a bad reason. Never ever ignore it. You better listen to your gut and either get the heck out of there if it’s bad or embrace the moment wholeheartedly if it’s good. 

I pray that you……

Never let a guy treat you like sloppy seconds. If you have to question whether or not you should be dating the guy… you already have your answer. If you second guess why he hasn’t called in two weeks….it’s time to move on. You deserve to be treated like a princess and loved beyond measure. Anything less than that is just mediocre and not worth your time or investment. You deserve the guy who will drive to every.single. food lion until he finds your favorite ice-cream and the guy who will twirl you around in the pouring down rain. Period. 

I pray that you…..

Never let anybody tell you that your dreams are too big. There is NO such thing as too big of a dream. Make yourself a dream board, have a bucket list notebook and say your dreams/goals out loud and to anybody and everybody that will listen to them. There is absolute power in putting your dreams out there to the world. You can do anything you want, be anybody you want and accomplish anything you set your mind to. You girls ROCK. 

Each senior girl was given an “In Case of Emergency” bucket to go in their car. Each bucket contained: $5 for gas or ice-cream, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor and shaving cream, tylenol, tampons, chap stick, Merle Lip Gloss (from Crystal), hair spray, deodorant, tissues and notepad and pen. 

Huge THANK YOU to Crystal Colson and Alex James for being by my side, providing not only beautiful hair and makeup for my girls, but giving encouragement, love and support to each and of these beautiful girls. Also a huge thank you to Bridget (mom to Bailey) for also being a constant source of support and willing to lend a helping hand with hair 🙂 

To the parents who trusted and gave me the incredible honor of being a part of their daughter’s senior year…THANK YOU. You have raised beautiful young women and it was an absolute blast getting to know them, love them and share in their excitement. 

To see the KMP Airplane/Bus Bohemian Shoot: Click HERE. An image from this shoot was awarded the honor of being one of the TOP picks in the Senior Style Guide HOT 100. Because of it, I was given the honor of being one of the Hot 100 Senior Photographers around the globe. 

To see the Christmas Cookie Making Lifestyle Shoot: Click HERE


Love Letter To The 2016 KMP Senior Models–Cap & Gown Graduation Session–Nationally Published & Featured Senior Photographer–Outer Banks Photographer–Katie Myrick Photography




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