The Golden Hour? What’s all this hype about? A few years ago, when I was diving head first into learning any and everything photography related, I kept running across the phrase “The Golden Hour”. It sounded absolutely magical and mystical and I couldn’t wait to shoot during this golden hour. Only…I wasn’t exactly sure WHEN […]


The Golden Hour–What it is and Why is ROCKS–NC Photography Mentor–Nationally Published & Featured NC Photographer–OBX & Elizabeth City, NC Photographer–Katie Myrick Photography


Kelly and I are both self taught photographers who learned by trial and error, asking tons of questions and practicing like crazy!  We’ve had goof ups, cried tears and jumped for joy…. and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the help of other kind photographers in the industry 🙂 Fast forward to now, […]


Make it Click Photography Question & Answer with Katie Myrick & Kelly Parnell–Nationally Published and Featured Award Winning Photographers–North Carolina Photography Mentors


Here’s the deal.  I’m going to be REAL with you. I could type a freakin’ book of ALL the reasons you should book a mentoring session…. But I’m not going to do that.  If you’re looking on this page…. That tells me you are serious about learning. You are serious about investing your money back […]


In Person Mentoring Sessions with Katie Myrick Photography–Elizabeth City, NC–Eastern NC Photographer

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